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  • "Dia-Logue"
  • "Autumn Salon"
    Grand Palais
    Paris 2008
  • Gallery on the web site of the Union of the Polish Fine Arts Artists


    Małgorzata Buczek - Śledzińska

    tel. +48 698852146

    Individual Exhibitions

    • 2015 PAINTING – ”NUMBERS IN THE MAYA CULTURE, from the series: ”Inscriptions of Civilisations”,
      The H. Tomaszewski Museum, Karpacz
      The Youth Cultural Centre, Zgorzelec
    • 2012 ”GREAT BOOK OF BABYLON”, The One Book Gallery of the J. Mateko Academy of Fine Arts of Cracow, Kraków 2012
    • 2010 OBJECTS (author's hand-made paper - techniques) – The Museum of Botanic Garden of the Jagiellonian University, Kraków
      The International Guitar Festival – The Teatr Ludowy of Nowa Huta, Kraków
    • 2010 PAINTING AND MEXICAN INSCRIPTIONS, series of drawings and objects of author's hand-made paper – The Nowohuckie Centrum Kultury, Kraków
    • 2010 INCUNABULA AND BATIK MANUALS (objects of suthor's hand-made paper), in 10th edition of Paper Festival –
      opening during the Night of Museums 2010 – The Museum of Paper Making of Duszniki Zdró
    • 2009 PAINTING, DRAWING, OBJECTS – The ZPAP Gallery, Kraków
    • 2009 OBJECTS – DROWINGS AND INCUNABULA – Krakauer Haus, Nurnberg, Germany
    • 2008 LANDSCAPES FROM THE JOURNEY (painting) – The Public Library in the Podgórze District, Kraków
    • 2008 INSCRIPTIONS – OBJECTS OF PAPER AND DRAWINGS, in 13th Christian Panorama,
      Skoczów 2008 The Sarkandra Museum , Skoczów
    • 2008 BIO-VARIETY (painting) – The Botanical Garden Museum of the Jagiellonian University, Kraków
      The Museum of Crafts, The ”Pod Cieniami' Gallery, Krosno
    • 2007 PAINTING, WORLD SEEN BY MY CAT– The ”Audialnia - Galeria 13 Obrazów”, Kraków
    • 2007 PAINTING - ”Reminiscences from Francei” – The French Institute, Kraków
    • 2007 INSPIRATIONS FROM 1983-2006 - ”Exhibition of tapestry, objects of author's hand-made paper,
      paintings” –The Central Museum of Weaving, łódŸ
    • 2007 PAINTING, CIVILISATION OF DEATH - ”Tierra Mexicana” (paintings, drawings) – The BWA Gallery, Olkusz
    • 2007 Painting, French Impressions – The Gallery of Tours, Francce
    • 2004/05 PAINTING, TAPESTRY AND PAPER OBJECTS – The K3, Görlitz Galllery, Germany
    • 2004 OBJECTS, TAPESTRY, PAPER – ”Fragments of Prints and Correspondence”
      – The ”Cepelia” Gallery, Pl. Mariacki 3, Kraków.
      On the exhibition flat and spatial objects of author's organic hand-made paper, drawings on paper, tapestry ( in three parts) were shown. I dedicated the objects of paper to destructed inscriptions coming from historical civilisations and cultures which as a result of human activities (vandalism, wars, religious intolerance, trade of artworks) have survived only in fragments up till now. They are links combining our generation with history, they are witnesses of cultural unity. The character-letter I was interested in which is a form of universal ideas, i.e. the writing,has inspired me in my art creations for many years, e.g. In the painting series ”Modern Collage”, ”Impressions of Printing”, ”Inscriptions of Civilisations”; tapestry: ”Modern Collage”, ”Composition”, ”Fragments of Encyclopaedia”, ”Impression of Printing”, book objects:
      ”Books of Pergamion”, ”Letters from Babylon”, ”Fragments”, tapestry: ”Fatal Correspondance – New York 2001”.
    • 2003 OBJECTS OF AUTHOR'S HAND-MADE PAPER, TAPESTRY – The City Cultural Centre, Zgorzelec
    • 2003 PAINTING AND DRAWING, entitled ”Iinscriptions of Civilisation” –
      1. The Karkonosze Museum of Jelenia Góra;
      2. The Museum of Kamienna Góra; 3. The Museum of Œroda Œl¹ska.
      The series of paintings and drawings which was presented on the exhibition was devoted to unique values of historical civilisations and cultures, whose spirit and separate nature have undergone continuous degredation in the 20th and 21st c. It was created as a result of observation during my journeys to many countries and remembered destructions and events there: Bulgaria, 1972, 1978, 2005; Mexico, 1990; Egypt, 1989, Italy, 1983 and 1989;
      Spain, 1990; Portugal, 1991; Israel 1998; Tunis, 1999; Sicily, 1988, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006 – reminiscences from my journeys.
    • 2002 PAINTING, OBJECTS, HAND-MADE PAPER BY THE ARTIST MALARSTWO – The Society of Friends of Art, Kraków
    • 2001 TAPESTRY AND COMPOSITIONS OF PAPER – The Museum of Lębork
    • 2001 OBJECTS – AREAS OF PAPER III – The ”Promocja” Gallery, Jelenia Góra
    • 2000 PAINTING – ”Mexican Impressions” – The Karol Szymanowski Music Hall, Kraków
    • 2000 OBJECTS – AREAS OF PAPER II – The ”Na Jatkach” Gallery, Wrocław
    • 2000 OBJECTS – AREAS OF PAPER I – The ”Sukiennice” ZPAP Gallery, Kraków
    • 1999 PAINTING AND TAPESTY – The Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych, Krosno
    • 1998 OBJECTS, HAND-MADE PAPER BY THE ARTIST (instalacja i obiekty z papieru) –
      The City of Regensburg Gallery, Germany
    • 1996 PAINTING – The ”Id” Gallery, Helmond, The Netherlands
    • 1995 OBJECTS, BEAUTY OF FIBERS (objects of vegetal hand-made paper by the artist) –
      The Townhall of Burglengenfeld, Niemcy
    • 1995 PAINTING – Theater Het Klein, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
    • 1995 TAPESTRY AND ASSEMBLAGES – The Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych, Zakopane
    • 1995 OBJECTS, BEAUTY OF FIBERS (tapestry and objects of vegetal hand-made paper by the artist) –
      The Regional Museum of Jelenia Góra
    • 1994 OBJECTS, BEAUTY OF FIBERS (objects of hand-made paper by the artist and textile) –
      The ”Na Jatkach” Gallery, Wrocław
    • 1994 PAINTING, LANDSCAPE – The ”Hadar” Gallery, Kraków
    • 1993 PAINTING AND ASSEMBLAGES (applications black on black ) – The Regional Museum, Barlinek
    • 1993 LANDSCAPE – SURFACES AND SPACES (aplikacje black on black) – The Kulturhaus Gallery,
      Seelow, Germany
    • 1991 ASSEMBLAGES – The DESA Gallery, Kramy Dominikańskie, Kraków,
    • 1991 PAINTING EXHIBITION, „Vision Poloneses” – The Pineda de Mar Cultural Centre, Spain
    • 1990 PAINTING AND TAPESTRY – Escuela Nacional de Artes Plasticas – UNAM, Mexico D.F., Mexico
    • 1989 PAINTING from the series: ”Environment” – The KMPiK Gallery, Kraków
    • 1989 PAINTING AND TAPESTRY from the series: ”Modern Collage ” – The ”Plastyka” Gallery, Kraków
    • 1988 ASSEMBLAGES (assamblages: black on black) – The Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych, Gorzów Wielkopolski
    • 1985 (January) PAINTING AND TAPESTRY – The KMPiK Gallery, Kraków
    • 1981 PAINTING – The KMPiK Gallery, Kraków


    Last change: 30th january 2010

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