Polish DeutschFrançais
  • "Dia-Logue"
  • "Autumn Salon"
    Grand Palais
    Paris 2008
  • Gallery on the web site of the Union of the Polish Fine Arts Artists


    Małgorzata Buczek - Śledzińska

    tel. +48 698852146

    Mrs. Małgorzata Buczek - Śledzińska

    is born in Krakow (Kraków), Poland. She lives and works in Krakow. From 1976 to 1981 she studied at the Krakow Academy of Fine Arts (Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Krakowie), Faculty of Painting. She was awarded both the degree of Master of Arts in painting (she performed her diploma work in the class of Professor Tadeusz Brzozowski) and in unique tapestry (diploma work performed in the class of Professor Stefan Gałkowski).
    Starting 1980 she participated in more than 200 collective exhibitions in Poland and abroad. Since 1990 she has been creating and presenting works of her own original handmade paper, a technology, she learned 1990 in Mexico. She has presented her artistic works: cycles of paintings, tapestries, drawings, and objects made of her own original handmade paper at 40 individual and collective exhibitions in Poland, Germany, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Denmark, England, Israel, the USA, Mexico, Russia, Czech Republic, as well as in Hungary and Cuba.
    The holder of two scholarships granted by the Polish Ministry of Culture and Art. The winner of many prizes and awards.
    The participant of international competitive exhibitions presenting unique tapestries made - i.e. woven - by the artists on their own.

    Collections of the following institutions feature the paintings and tapestries by Mrs. Małgorzata Buczek-śledzińska:
    Central Museum of Textile Industry in łódź, Poland,
    Museum of the City of Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland,
    Rufino Tamayo Museum in Mexico D.F. ,
    Pinedy de Mar Culture Centre, Spain,
    Friends of the Fine Arts Society, Krakow, Poland,
    Helcels Welfare Home, Krakow, Poland,
    Lally-en-Val Castle, France,
    Centre of Artistic Exhibitions, Olkusz, Poland,
    Craft Museum, Krosno, Poland,
    "Soleil de l'Est" Association, France,
    Chapel in Skomielna, Poland,
    Capuchins from Krakow, Krakow, Poland,
    Museum of the Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow, Poland,
    Museum of the Botanical Garden of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland,
    Private collections in Poland and abroad.

    Prizes awarded:

    • 2000 - the GRAND PRIX at the 1st International Biennale of Flax Textile Art, Krosno (Museum of Handicraft), Poland
    • 1995 - the GRAND PRIX for the tapestry "Rysunek" ("Drawing") at the 20th International Post-Outdoor Exhibition, "WT-Kowary'94", Poland,
    • 2001 - the second prize for the work of paper and stylon "Tierra Mexicana" at the 21st Post-Outdoor Exhibition of Textile Art ART-STILON Gorzów - Lubniewice 1999, Art Exhibition Office, Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland,
    • 1996 - the second prize for the tapestry "Impresja Druku" ("Impression of the Print"), at the Post-Outdoor Exhibition ART-STILON'95, Art Exhibition Office, Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland,
    • 1993 - the second prize for the application "Płaszczyzny i Przestrzenie" ("Planes and Spaces"), Post-Outdoor Exhibition, ART-STILON 1992, Poland.
    Last change: 30th january 2010

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